Welcome to Trinity!

We’re glad you are here! Please join us on Sundays at 10:00am for refreshments and conversation, and then at 10:30 am for worship. We are a small church where you can find an authentic community that is trying to learn, love and live Christ’s teachings.

Week Of February 2, 2025 ANNOUNCEMENTS

livestream February 9, 2025 worship service

During our church building redevelopment project, (see update below) *Trinity United Church meets at Floradale Mennonite Church at 22 Florapine Road. (on lower level)  There is a rear entranceway, please use the front accessible entrance (main left side doorway) to access elevator. 
 We welcome you to join us for worship in person or on-line
on Sunday.

10:00 am Fellowship time with refreshments

10:30 am Worship service

The VOICE Newsletter December 2024 (Winter) Issue

livestream January 19, 2025 Worship Service

livestream for January 12, 2025

livestream January 5, 2025 Worship Service

January 2024 Trinity Development Update

The current building will be removed and 53 apartment units along with Trinity United church facility (on the lower level of the building) will be built.

This is an exciting time for Elmira, as this Community project offers much needed apartments located in a downtown proximity, close to stores and transit.

Trinity United Church will have a church facility on the lower level of this building, and we look forward to providing a facility that is open to the community and follows our mission of living, learning and loving in Christ’s teaching.

Please watch this update for future information. We will do our best to keep you posted on this project and during the construction stages.

Peter Kupfer – Chair Trinity Development Committee
Cheryl Fisher – Trustee 


Those who participate in the life and ministry of Trinity United Church are people who are being transformed by their faith in Jesus Christ. They meet weekly for worship, but realize that 1 hour a week is only a beginning. Through the committees, the women’s groups, study groups, Sunday School, youth activities, and other events and activities, these people are making an impact in our community. The people who participate in the life and ministry of Trinity United Church often find themselves involved in other community groups as well. Following Jesus embraces all parts of their lives.

If you live in Elmira you probably already know someone who is part of this church. They come in all ages and walks of life. Why not ask them about Trinity? Better yet, why not come and experience Trinity United Church yourself? “Our mission is to love, learn and live by Christ’s teachings.”